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Thursday, July 22, 2010

And one flies the coop

So Richard leaves for Milan today!!! He flies at 1pm, we'll be heading to the airport in a few hours. His boss wants him to go to Paris this weekend to watch Lance finish his last Tour de France. HOW JEALOUS AM I!?!?!?!?!
He's meeting our estate agent on Sat to look at the two places we liked and hopefully he can choose one and get them all over fixing it up. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to have a dishwasher, I'm probably not going to have a dryer or airconditioning and I might have to learn to cook with gas!!!! The big sell on the rental places there is that they have bug screens in the windows!! hahahaha apparently bug screens are NOT common in Italy and if you can't afford screens you either rig something up or sleep under one of those Out of Africa bug canopies above your bed!!
I did a tour of the village that we want to live in on Google Maps and it seems nice, small but nice. I was happy to see an english speaking hair dresser in the piazza...or at least I'm assuming with a sign like Angela's Hair Design, someone there speaks my language!!!!
I also found the Milano 3 Sporting Club in Basiglio which has child minding and I don't care what it costs I'm having a membership!
All right, better go get ready to eject the first Burwell on his Italian adventure, Stay tuned!


Sarah July 22, 2010 at 8:26 PM  

It brings a smile to my face to hear of your impending adventure. I'm sure you'll have a blast!

CARROT aka Karen July 26, 2010 at 5:49 AM  

lol, I'm picturing the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun" at your comments of the rustic nature and lack of screens lol, not just bugs to worry about!
You my friend will have no problem fitting in wherever you go!

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About Me

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Milan, Italy
I am 34 years old, married to my wonderful husband Richard and mother to a beautiful 8 year old daughter named Reese. We lived in the suburbs of Calgary until January 2010 where I worked as an ER Nurse. Then my husband was transferred to Vancouver for a 6 month temporary project. Our blog Tripping over the Sidewalk told all about our adventure living on the 30th floor of an apartment building in the middle of downtown Vancouver. Then we moved to Milan, Italy for 18 months, Ciao-Eh was the online forum for our Italian adventures. We moved to Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates in January 2012 and lived there for two and a half years. Sandscrapers, Souks and Sand is the blog of our adventures in the Middle East! We are now happy to be back on a little acreage just outside of Calgary where I'm sure more adventures await!!!!



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